Do Something

Cook Out

Family Groups At Home Summer Fun B-Day Party Father's Day

A cook out is a great way for family and friends to come together to enjoy fresh air, good food and cold drinks.

Unlike pre-cooked food prepared on a stove, cooking food over an open flames give it an unique flavor. Guests will enjoy the food being cooked fresh and served food hot off the grill.

Basic Requirements:

Good Weather

Outdoor Space

Food & Condiments

Cold Drinks

Plates & Silverware

Cook Grill

Grill Fuel: (Charcoal - Gas - etc...)

Chairs / Seating

Good Music

Biggest Benefits:

By using disposable plastic silverware, you will have less dishes to clean afterward.

Biggest Con:

All the cooking on the grill will leave it needing a thorough cleaning. And the longer you wait, the harder it will be to clean.